St Moritz, Switzerland

About St Moritz

St. Moritz is synonymous with sophistication and sparkling winter sports. Renowned for hosting the Winter Olympics twice, this glamorous resort town offers top-notch skiing, bobsledding, and the famous Cresta Run ice skeleton track. Summertime reveals lush hiking trails and picturesque lakes, making St. Moritz a luxurious retreat for all seasons.

Community ratings






St Moritz highlights

Average temperature in February

-1 °C / 30 °F

High season months

December, January, February, March, April

Local currency

Swiss franc (CHF)

Local language

German, Italian, Romansh

Closest Airports

  • Milano Linate Airport (IT) - 124.9 km (77.6 mi)
  • Malpensa International Airport (IT) - 129.0 km (80.2 mi)
  • Zürich Airport (CH) - 144.9 km (90.0 mi)

Fun fact

The town has hosted polo tournaments on its frozen lake since 1985.

Popular hotels in St Moritz

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