Antibes, France

About Antibes

Antibes charms its visitors with a blend of sandy beaches, historic ramparts, and a bustling marina. Wander through the cobbled streets of the old town, visit the Picasso Museum housed in the historic Château Grimaldi, or soak up the sun along the French Riviera. This picturesque coastal town offers a perfect mix of cultural heritage and Mediterranean leisure.

Community ratings






Antibes highlights

Average temperature in February

14 °C / 57 °F

High season months

June, July, August, September

Local currency

Euro (EUR)

Local language


Closest Airports

  • Nice-Côte d'Azur Airport (FR) - 12.0 km (7.4 mi)

Fun fact

Antibes hosts one of the largest yacht harbors in the world.

Popular hotels in Antibes

Experiences you might like in Antibes

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