Holiwise destination: Strasbourg, France 1
Holiwise destination: Strasbourg, France 2
Holiwise destination: Strasbourg, France 3
Holiwise destination: Strasbourg, France 4

Strasbourg, France

About Strasbourg

Strasbourg charms visitors with its blend of French and German cultures, nestled along the scenic Rhine River. Wander through the storybook streets of its historic center, a UNESCO World Heritage site, dominated by the stunning Gothic cathedral. Strasbourg also serves as a hub of European politics with the European Parliament, making it a unique crossroads of history and modernity. Enjoy the city’s famous Christmas markets or its vibrant culinary scene year-round.

Community ratings






Strasbourg highlights

Average temperature in September

24 °C / 75 °F

High season months

May, June, July, August, December

Local currency

Euro (EUR)

Local language


Closest Airports

  • Strasbourg Airport (FR) - 10.4 km (6.5 mi)
  • Karlsruhe Baden-Baden Airport (DE) - 32.5 km (20.2 mi)

Fun fact

Strasbourg's "Grande Île" is a UNESCO World Heritage site, famed for its medieval architecture.

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