Cologne, Germany

About Cologne

Explore Cologne, a city where ancient charm meets modern vibrancy along the Rhine River. Marvel at the towering Cologne Cathedral, a masterpiece of Gothic architecture, and lose yourself in the lively streets filled with museums, galleries, and cozy beer halls. Cologne promises a warm welcome with its rich history and dynamic cultural scene.

Community ratings






Cologne highlights

Average temperature in February

9 °C / 48 °F

High season months

May, June, July, August, December

Local currency

Euro (EUR)

Local language


Closest Airports

  • Cologne Bonn Airport (DE) - 15.1 km (9.4 mi)
  • Düsseldorf Airport (DE) - 41.3 km (25.7 mi)

Fun fact

Cologne Cathedral took over 600 years to complete.

Popular hotels in Cologne

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