Hakodateyama Ski Resort, Japan

About Hakodateyama Ski Resort

Hakodateyama Ski Resort offers stunning views of Lake Biwa and excellent ski slopes for all skill levels. Enjoy well-groomed runs, modern facilities, and a family-friendly atmosphere. Off the slopes, explore the charming village, relax in hot springs, and savor delicious local cuisine.

Community ratings






Hakodateyama Ski Resort highlights

Average temperature in February

9 °C / 48 °F

High season months

December, January, February, March

Local currency

Japanese yen (JPY)

Local language


Closest Airports

  • Kansai International Airport (JP) - 131.2 km (81.5 mi)

Fun fact

The Japan's beloved ski spot offers powder snow and stunning views of Lake Biwa since 1962.

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