Visby, Sweden

About Visby

Visby, a medieval gem on Sweden's Gotland Island, captivates with its well-preserved city walls, charming cobblestone streets, and historic ruins. Explore the stunning St. Mary's Cathedral, wander through the Botanical Gardens, and experience the unique medieval festival in summer. Visby’s blend of history and coastal beauty makes it a magical destination.

Community ratings






Visby highlights

Average temperature in February

3 °C / 37 °F

High season months

June, July, August

Local currency

Swedish krona (SEK)

Local language


Closest Airports

  • Visby Airport (SE) - 4.0 km (2.5 mi)
  • Stockholm-Bromma Airport (SE) - 192.0 km (119.3 mi)
  • Stockholm-Arlanda Airport (SE) - 225.0 km (139.8 mi)

Fun fact

The city hosts Medieval Week annually, bringing history to life with costumes and jousting.

Popular hotels in Visby

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