Holiwise destination: Glasgow, United Kingdom 1
Holiwise destination: Glasgow, United Kingdom 2
Holiwise destination: Glasgow, United Kingdom 3
Holiwise destination: Glasgow, United Kingdom 4

Glasgow, United Kingdom

About Glasgow

Glasgow dazzles with its rich history, vibrant arts scene, and friendly locals. Explore the stunning Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum, the iconic Glasgow Cathedral, and the bustling Buchanan Street for shopping. Glasgow’s blend of cultural treasures and warm hospitality makes it an unforgettable destination.

Community ratings






Glasgow highlights

Average temperature in September

17 °C / 63 °F

High season months

June, July, August

Local currency

British pound (GBP)

Local language


Closest Airports

  • Glasgow International Airport (GB) - 11.5 km (7.1 mi)

Fun fact

Glasgow introduced the world's first-ever international football match in 1872.

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