Brussels, Belgium

About Brussels

Discover the vibrant heart of Belgium in Brussels, a city blending rich history with modern flair. Marvel at the iconic Grand Place, where ornate guildhalls stand tall amidst bustling markets. Delight your taste buds with delectable Belgian waffles and chocolates, while exploring the diverse neighborhoods and cultural treasures that make Brussels a must-visit European gem.

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Brussels highlights

Average temperature in March

12 °C / 54 °F

High season months

June, July, August, September

Local currency

Euro (EUR)

Local language

Dutch, French, German

Closest Airports

  • Brussels Airport (BE) - 11.1 km (6.9 mi)
  • Brussels South Charleroi Airport (BE) - 43.7 km (27.1 mi)

Fun fact

The city is famous for inventing the Brussels sprouts.

Popular hotels in Brussels

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