Cartagena, Colombia

About Cartagena

Cartagena invites you to step back in time within its iconic walled city, a UNESCO World Heritage site filled with cobblestone streets and colonial architecture. This vibrant coastal city offers a blend of history, culture, and Caribbean charm. From the lively rhythms of local music to the fresh seafood and tropical beaches, Cartagena is a unique and colorful destination.

Community ratings






Cartagena highlights

Average temperature in February

32 °C / 90 °F

High season months

December, January, February, March, April

Local currency

Colombian peso (COP)

Local language


Closest Airports

  • Rafael Nuñez International Airport (CO) - 3.0 km (1.8 mi)

Fun fact

Cartagena's walls were built to protect the city from pirate attacks in the 16th century.

Popular hotels in Cartagena

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