Holiwise destination: Santiago, Chile 1
Holiwise destination: Santiago, Chile 2

Santiago, Chile

About Santiago

Explore Santiago, the dynamic heart of Chile, where majestic Andean peaks frame the bustling cityscape. Dive into vibrant markets, sample world-class Chilean wines, and soak in the rich history at every corner. Santiago is your gateway to adventure, culture, and culinary delights, all set against a stunning mountainous backdrop.

Community ratings






Santiago highlights

Average temperature in September

20 °C / 68 °F

High season months

November, December, January, February, March

Local currency

Chilean peso (CLP)

Local language


Closest Airports

  • Comodoro Arturo Merino Benítez International Airport (CL) - 12.0 km (7.5 mi)

Fun fact

The city hosts an annual wine festival, celebrating Chile's renowned wine culture.

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